You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes a day, unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.
Zen Proverb (via 3000blackmambas)
Badass, like REO Speedwagon or somethin'.
You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes a day, unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.
Zen Proverb (via 3000blackmambas)
Weekend project: hang Elliott’s pictures. #toddler #sesamestreet
Bigfoot shot of a praying mantis. #prayingmantis #blurry #suburbannature (at In-N-Out Burger – Poway)
Post well visit #selfie.
Any project manager should reserve at least 10 man-weeks in every project to agree on rules about SQL formatting.
Top 10 Very Very VERY Important Topics to Discuss | Java, SQL and jOOQ.
Saved this little dude from our cat Cheesecake. Sent him back outside to eat ants after a quick photo shoot. #lizard #suburbannature #whatlizardisthis #notabug
Who needs ice cream when you have a balloon snake? #birthday #snake #balloon #toddler (at T.G.I. Friday’s)
Party decorations before and after. #yogabbagabba #foofa #decoration #party #toddler
The receding June Gloom #sandiego #sunrise (at CrossFit Poway est. 2007) is using WP-Gravatar