
I figure I should maybe start posting my comics here, since somebody else posted my previous one and it ended up with over 32,000 notes. I want that attention for myself.

You locate the Gun class, but discover that the Bullet class is abstract, so you extend it and write the missing part of the implementation. Then you implement the ShootAble interface for your foot, and recompile the Foot class. The interface lets the bullet call the doDamage method on the Foot, so the Foot can damage itself in the most effective way. Now you run the program, and call the doShoot method on the instance of the Gun class. First the Gun creates an instance of Bullet, which calls the doFire method on the Gun. The Gun calls the hit(Bullet) method on the Foot, and the instance of Bullet is passed to the Foot. But this causes an IllegalHitByBullet exception to be thrown, and you die.

You locate the Gun class, but discover that the Bullet class is abstract, so you extend it and write the missing part of the implementation. Then you implement the ShootAble interface for your foot, and recompile the Foot class. The interface lets the bullet call the doDamage method on the Foot, so the Foot can damage itself in the most effective way. Now you run the program, and call the doShoot method on the instance of the Gun class. First the Gun creates an instance of Bullet, which calls the doFire method on the Gun. The Gun calls the hit(Bullet) method on the Foot, and the instance of Bullet is passed to the Foot. But this causes an IllegalHitByBullet exception to be thrown, and you die.

Brain-eating amoeba kills woman via her neti pot. GAH. (La. Dept of Health)

Brain-eating amoeba kills woman via her neti pot. GAH. (La. Dept of Health)


The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is warning residents about the dangers of the improper use of neti pots. The warning follows the state’s second death this year caused by Naegleria fowleri, the so-called brain-eating amoeba.

“A 51-year-old DeSoto Parish woman died recently after using tap water in a neti pot to irrigate her sinuses and becoming infected with the deadly amoeba.

“In June, a 20-year-old St. Bernard Parish man died under the same circumstances.

“Naegleria fowleri infects people by entering the body through the nose. A neti pot is commonly used to irrigate sinuses, and looks like a genie’s lamp.

” ‘If you are irrigating, flushing, or rinsing your sinuses, for example, by using a neti pot, use distilled, sterile or previously boiled water to make up the irrigation solution,’said Louisiana State Epidemiologist, Dr. Raoult Ratard. ‘Tap water is safe for drinking, but not for irrigating your nose.’ …”

Brain-eating amoeba kills woman via her neti pot. GAH. (La. Dept of Health)

Brain-eating amoeba kills woman via her neti pot. GAH. (La. Dept of Health) is using WP-Gravatar