(via chainsawsuit by kris straub – do this tonight)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Badass, like REO Speedwagon or somethin'.
(via chainsawsuit by kris straub – do this tonight)
Happy Thanksgiving!
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
#SaveCommunity #SixSeasonsandaMovie
This song is called REALLY COOL WIG
I wish I could even say this is the stupidest song I’ve made.
This song is called REALLY COOL WIG
I wish I could even say this is the stupidest song I’ve made.
Back in your humble servant’s school days, the Periodic Table had only 11 elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, metal (magnetic), metal (non-magnetic), plastic, and I forget the other three. Chemistry class consisted of Mr. Storck dropping things into a cup of liquid nitrogen and smashing them with his shoe. Biology, taught by Mr. Haas, consisted of watching film strips from the 1950s about people with elephantiasis and guinea worm. Nobody took physics because it hadn’t been invented yet
Now We Know Why Children Are Getting Dumber – Reason Magazine
Back in your humble servant’s school days, the Periodic Table had only 11 elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, metal (magnetic), metal (non-magnetic), plastic, and I forget the other three. Chemistry class consisted of Mr. Storck dropping things into a cup of liquid nitrogen and smashing them with his shoe. Biology, taught by Mr. Haas, consisted of watching film strips from the 1950s about people with elephantiasis and guinea worm. Nobody took physics because it hadn’t been invented yet
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